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Children’s Oncology Group LTFU GuidelinesLong-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancers.
Children's Oncology Group - Locating a Survivor Clinic How to find a cancer survivor program in your area.
Childhood Cancer GuidesBooks and resources on survivorcare
National Cancer InstituteInformation for survivors of adult and pediatric cancer.

Support and Advocacy

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CURE Childhood CancerGeorgia based organization focued on family support and childhood cancer research
Camp SunshineIt provides a variety of retreats, outings and special events for Children and teens (ages 0-18) and young adults (19-23) who have or have had cancer. It serves children and families throughout the state of Georgia.
LIVESTRONG FoundationLIVESTRONG provides education, advocacy, and public health and research programs.
National Children's Cancer SocietyInformation and support for childhood cancer survivors and their families
Stupid CancerA comprehensive resource portal directed at adolescents and young adults under the age of 40 affected by cancer.
Cancer Support Community (Gildas Club Worldwide)International network where men, women and children with cancer and their families and friends join with others to build social and emotional support.
Ulman Cancer Fund for Young AdultsProvides support programs, education and resources to benefit young adults, their families.
National Collegiate Cancer FoundationThe National Collegiate Cancer Foundation mission is to provide services and support to college students who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Cancer and CareersProvides essential tools and information for employees with cancer and helps employers face the challenge of cancer in the workplace.
Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University -- Young Adults with Cancer Support GroupSupport group at Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University for all cancer diagnoses for patients 18-40 years old
Patient Advocate FoundationPAF provides education, legal counseling, and referrals to cancer patients and survivors. It specializes in matters related to managed care, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination, and debt crisis.


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CureSearchProvides information on all phases of childhood cancer care.
Georgia COREUnites government agencies, academic institutions, civic groups, corporations and health care organizations to strengthen cancer care in Georgia.
American Childhood Cancer Organization (Candlelighters)Provides information and support for all phases of childhood cancer.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma SocietyVoluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.

SurvivorCare - Georgia Centers

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Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of AtlantaPediatric Cancer Survivor Program
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University - Young Adult SurvivorshipYoung adult cancer survivors who are 21 years of age or older and two years off treatment.
Pediatric Oncology-Memorial Health Dwaine & Cynthia Willett Children's Hospital of SavannahCancer Survivor Program
Pediatric Oncology-Children's Hospital of Georgia at Augusta UniversityCancer Survivor Program
Pediatric Oncology - Beverly Knight Olson Children’s Hospital Navicent Health (Macon, GA) 
SurvivorLink™ has been designed to increase awareness and knowledge about the life-long healthcare needs of pediatric cancer survivors, and increase communication about the specific healthcare needs of individual survivors between survivor and family, cancer survivor team, primary care provider, and healthcare subspecialists.
© 2009-2025 Emory University