Cancer SurvivorLink
Your Link to Care After Cancer
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Click on a Topic to view the corresponding QuickFact.

Cancer Treatment 101Overview of childhood cancer treatment modalities
Ovarian and Testicular Hormone ProductionOverview of treatment-related hypogonadism and abnormal sex hormone production.
Growth and Weight Problems After Childhood Cancer Overview of growth problems (short stature and growth hormone deficiency) and obesity in survivors
Infertility Risk in Survivors of Childhood CancerOverview of the impact of treatment on oocyte/sperm production and future infertility.
Survivor Care 101Overview of the need for life-long healthcare for survivors

SurvivorLinkā„¢ has been designed to increase awareness and knowledge about the life-long healthcare needs of pediatric cancer survivors, and increase communication about the specific healthcare needs of individual survivors between survivor and family, cancer survivor team, primary care provider, and healthcare subspecialists.
© 2009-2025 Emory University